Biscuiti Oreo - De Casa (homemade Oreo)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
De cand au aparut biscuitii astia in Romania, fimiu ar manca non stop. Adevarul e ca sunt buni. Am gustat si eu si-mi plac. Contrastul dintre biscuitii nu foarte dulci, putin sarati si crema dulce de vanilie e minunat. Si, cum eu refuz sa mai cumpar biscuiti din comert, am cautat reteta pe net. In final am gasit-o pe un blog din USA.
Rezultatul e 90% asemanator cu biscuitii Oreo cumparati, cele 10 procente diferite provenind din afanatori, arome chimice, conservanti si alte porcarii.
Va invit sa-i incercati si, in mod sigur, copiii numai asta vor cere.
Ingrediente (pentru 3 tavi de aragaz)
Pentru biscuiti:
- 200 g faina
- 75 g cacao Olandeza, neagra (neaparat folositi o cacao de buna calitate, inchisa la culoare)
- 1/2 lingurita praf de copt
- 1/2lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
- 1/4 lingurita sare
- 150 g zahar tos
- 150 g unt,moale, taiat cubulete
- 1 ou
Pentru crema:
- 100 g unt, moale
- 200 g zahar pudra
- miezul de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
Cum se face
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C
- Pune foaie de copt in 3 tavi
- Amesteca ingredientele uscate (de la faina pana la zahar)
- Adauga untul si amesteca cu un mixer, la viteza mica.
- Adauga oul si continua sa amesteci pana ce se formeaza o coca mai faramicioasa
- Ia cu o lingurita din coca si fa din ea o bila. Pune-o in tava. Apasa bine cu degetele, ca sa-i dai o forma circulara. Fa biscuitul subtire, pentru ca se va umfla la copt.
- Pune biscuitii la 2 cm distanta, pentru ca nu vor creste prea mult la copt
- Coace cam 10 minute
- In timpul acesta fa crema. Amesteca untul cu vanilia, la viteza mica.
- Adauga 1/2 din zahar si amesteca
- Adauga restul de zahar si amesteca la viteza mica 3 minute
- Mareste viteza la maxim si mai amesteca 3 minute, pana ce crema devine pufoasa.
- Raceste biscuitii pe un gratar
- Uneste cate 2 biscuiti cu crema.
Si sa nu uit. Particip pe blogul lui Nancy aka Spicie Foodie la Your Best Recipe. Va invit sa-i faceti o vizita, sa o salutati si sa cititi minunatele retete participante la eveniment. Luna aceasta eu am inscris "Chicken Vindaloo".
English version
Since these cookies have appeared in Romania, my son wouldn't eat anything else. The truth is that they are good. The contrast between the not too sweet, slightly salty cookies and sweet vanilla cream is wonderful. And, as I refuse to buy cookies anymore, had to find the recipe on the net. I finally found it on a blog in the USA.
The result is 90% similar to bought Oreo cookies, the 10 percent difference coming from the chemical flavorings, preservatives and other crap.I invite you to try them and, certainly, your kids will ask for them again.
Ingredients (for 3 trays)
For cookies:
* 200 g flour
* 75 g Dutch cocoa, black ( use a good quality cocoa, dark)
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
The result is 90% similar to bought Oreo cookies, the 10 percent difference coming from the chemical flavorings, preservatives and other crap.I invite you to try them and, certainly, your kids will ask for them again.
Ingredients (for 3 trays)
For cookies:
* 200 g flour
* 75 g Dutch cocoa, black ( use a good quality cocoa, dark)
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
* 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
* 150 g granulated sugar
* 150 g butter, softened, cut into cubes
* 1 egg
* 150 g granulated sugar
* 150 g butter, softened, cut into cubes
* 1 egg
For filling:
* 100 g butter, softened
* 200 g caster sugar
* Core of a vanilla bean
How To
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* Put the baking sheet in three trays
* Mix dry ingredients (from flour to sugar)
* Add butter and mix with a mixer at low speed.
* Add egg and continue to mix until a dough is formed
* Take a teaspoon of dough and make it a ball. Put it in pan. Push with your fingers, to give him a circular shape. Make thin biscuit, because it will swell when baked.
* Put biscuits at a distance of 2 cm, because they will not grow too much when baked
* Bake about 10 minutes
* During this make the cream. Mix the butter and vanilla on low speed.
* Add half the sugar and stir
* Add the remaining sugar and mix on low speed 3 minutes
* Increase speed 3 more minutes, until the cream becomes fluffy.
* 100 g butter, softened
* 200 g caster sugar
* Core of a vanilla bean
How To
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* Put the baking sheet in three trays
* Mix dry ingredients (from flour to sugar)
* Add butter and mix with a mixer at low speed.
* Add egg and continue to mix until a dough is formed
* Take a teaspoon of dough and make it a ball. Put it in pan. Push with your fingers, to give him a circular shape. Make thin biscuit, because it will swell when baked.
* Put biscuits at a distance of 2 cm, because they will not grow too much when baked
* Bake about 10 minutes
* During this make the cream. Mix the butter and vanilla on low speed.
* Add half the sugar and stir
* Add the remaining sugar and mix on low speed 3 minutes
* Increase speed 3 more minutes, until the cream becomes fluffy.
* Cool the cookies on a wire rack
* Sandwich the cookies with cream.
* Sandwich the cookies with cream.
This month I participate, again, to YBR at Nancy aka Spicie Foodie blog
Visit her, say Hello and see my Chicken Vindaloo beside other wonderful recipes. It will worth the time, trust me.