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Biscuiti Cu Esenta De Curmale (dates Concentrate Cookies)

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Scroll down for English recipe

Am gasit intr-un magazin cu produse arabesti Concentrat (Melasa) de curmale. Este fluida, foarte dulce si cu fin gust de curmale. Pusa in coca de biscuiti le da acestora o aroma deosebita de turta dulce.
  • 200 g unt moale, taiat in bucati
  • 150 g zahar
  • 100 ml esenta de curmale
  • 3 oua
  • 400 g faina
  • 1lingurita praf de copt
  • 1 lingura esenta de vanilie
  • 100 g merisoare

Cum se face

  • Pune foaie de copt in doua tavi.
  • Cu ajutorul unui mixer amesteca untul cu zaharul, cam 5 minute. Adauga esenta de curmale. Amesteca
  • Adauga ouale unul cate unul si amesteca dupa fiecare.
  • Adauga esenta si praful de copt. Amesteca.
  • Adauga faina si amesteca pana cand devine o coca omogena.
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C.
  • Cu ajutorul unei linguri pune gramajoare de coca la distante de 2 cm intre ele. Pune 1-2 merisoare pe fiecare biscuit si apasa usor ca sa se prinda bine.
  • Coace 15 minute, la 180 C.
  • Raceste  pe un gratar metalic

English version

I found in shop that sells Arabic food Dates concentrate (molasses) . It is fluid, smooth and has a sweet taste of dates. In cookies dough gives them a special flavor of gingerbread.


* 200 g soft butter, cut into pieces
* 150 g sugar
* 100 ml dates concentrate
* 3 eggs
* 400 g flour
* 1tbsp baking powder
* 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
* 100 g cranberries

How To

* Put baking sheet in two trays.
* In a blender mix the butter with the sugar, about 5 minutes. Add essence of dates. Mix
* Add eggs one at a time and mix after each.
* Add vanilla essence and baking powder. Mix.
* Add flour and mix until dough becomes smooth.
* Preheat oven to 180 C.
* With a spoon make small balls of dough at a distance of 2 cm between them. Put 1-2 cranberries on top and lightly press, to stick.
* Bake 15 minutes at 180 C.
* Cool on a metal rack

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