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Bagheta Frantuzeasca (french Baguette)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe
A doua reteta pe care am facut-o pentru provocarea lunii iunie la Daring Cooks' este Bagheta Frantuzeasca. Aici am avut o mare problema cu cantitatile date. In reteta originala scria faina 1 cup = 240 ml. Pai da, dar asta nu inseamna 240 g, ci 150g. Si cum eu nu am fost atenta la acest "detaliu", cand sa fac coca, nu-mi iesea. Noroc ca nu e prima data cind fac paine. Am adaugat mai multa apa, pana ce a iesit o coca maleabila. O problema a ramas, totusi. Cantitatea de drojdie a fost prea mica si baghetele mele n-au crescut destul. Cu toate astea, au fost moi in interior si crocante la exterior. Si foarte gustoase. Asta inseamna ca, daca as fi folosit cantitatile bune as fi avut niste baghete frantuzesti adevarate. Lasa, ca mai fac o data si atunci sa vezi!
In continuare voi pune cantitatile pentru  o reteta care sa reuseasca. Ca si ciabatta, si painea asta se intinde pe 2 zile. Dar eu zic ca merita.

  • 150 g faina 650
  • 120 ml apa calduta
  • un varf de cutit de drojdie uscata (1/16 lingurite)
  • 525 g faina 650
  • 250 - 300 ml apa calduta
  • 5 g drojdie uscata
  • 1 lingurita sare
  1. Mai intai se face maiaua. Se amesteca drojdia cu apa si se lasa 5 minute. Apoi aceasta se amesteca cu faina, pana rezulta o coca moale. Se pune intr-un castron, se acopera cu folie de plastic si se lasa pana a doua zi, peste noapte, sa creasca in loc fara curenti de aer (in cuptor de exemplu). Se lasa minim 12 ore.
  2. A doua zi se amesteca ingredientele de la coca cu maiaua  si se framnata cam 5 minute, sa rezulte o coca elastica si omogena.
  3. Se pune coca intr-un castron mare, se acopera cu folie de plastic si se lasa la crescut 1 ora.
  4. Dupa acest timp coca se impinge usor cu pumnii sa iasa aerul si se intoare cu fundul in sus. Se lasa la crescut inca o ora. Se repeta procedeul de inca 2 ori (in total sa creasca 3 ore).
  5. Scoate coca din castron pe o suprafata unsa cu ulei sau faina. Da-i o forma de dreptunghi, fara sa o apesi prea tare. Taie dreptunghiul in 3 fasii egale.
  6. Ia o fasie, aplatizeaz-o putin si indoai-o de la mijloc pe lungime (vezi poza). Intoarce-o la 180 de grade si repeta procedura. Lipeste bine marginile intre ele.
  7. Intinde putin cilindrul format, prin rulare cu palmele, pana ajunge la dimensiunea tavii. Pune tubul format in tava, cu grija sa nu-l intinzi . In tava am pus hartie de pergament.
  8. Repeta pasii 6 si 7 pentru celelalte doua fasii.
  9. Cresteaza 3 linii in diagonala pe fiecare cilindru.
  10. Acopera tava cu folie de plastic si lasa sa creasca cam 1 ora. In timpul asta incalzeste cuptorul la 240 C. Cand painile au crescut destul, unge-le bine cu apa, ca sa formeze crusta crocnta.
  11. Coace baghetele 25 - 30 minute. Scoate-le din cuptor si raceste-le pe un gratar.
After kneading for 5 minutes, by hand
After one more hour ...                                     deflated and turned over
Final dough cut in 3 stripes ... fold it lengthwise
and seal it Formed baguettes, separated by parchment paper
and covered with plastic, for a final rise
My main issue in this recipe was the measurements. I use measurement in masses, not in volumes. Therefore 1 cup = 240 ml, but not 240 g! It actually means 150 g. So you can imagine that I couldn't make a dough with those quantities. Thanks God that it's not my first time baking bread, so I added more water to make a nice dough. Still, the quantity of yeast is smaller than normal, so my bread didn't grow enough. Finally it was crunchy at the outside and soft in the inside. It tasted very good.  Which means that if you use the correct amount of ingredients, you will have real French baguettes.
French Baguette
yield: Three 16" baguettes

1/2 cup / 120 ml cool water
1/16 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 cup / 240 ml /150 g flour

1 tsp / 5 ml/ 5 g active dry yeast
1 cup to 1 1/4 cups / 240 ml to 300 ml lukewarm water*
all of the starter
3 1/2 cups / 840 ml / 525 g flour
1 1/2 tsp / 7 ml / 7 g salt
*Use the lesser amount in summer (or in a humid environment), the greater amount in winter (or in a dry climate), and somewhere in between the rest of the year, or if your house is climate controlled.

Make the starter by mixing the yeast with the water, then mixing in the flour to make a soft dough. Cover and let rest at room temperature for about 14 hours; overnight works well. The starter should have risen and become bubbly.
Mix active dry yeast with the water and then combine with the starter, flour, and salt. Mix and knead everything together—by hand, mixer or bread machine set on the dough cycle—till you've made a soft, somewhat smooth dough; it should be cohesive, but the surface may still be a bit rough. Knead for about 5 minutes on speed 2 of a stand mixer.
Place the dough in a lightly greased medium-size bowl, cover the bowl, and let the dough rise for 3 hours, gently deflating it and turning it over after 1 hour, and then again after 2 hours.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly greased work surface. Divide it into three equal pieces. Shape each piece into a rough, slightly flattened oval.
Working with one piece of dough at a time, fold the dough in half lengthwise, and seal the edges with the heel of your hand. Flatten it slightly, and fold and seal again. With the seam-side down, cup your fingers and gently roll the dough into a 15" log. Place the logs seam-side down onto a lightly greased or parchment-lined sheet pan or pans.
Cover them with a cover or lightly greased plastic wrap, and allow the loaves to rise till they've become very puffy, about 1 1/2 hours. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat your oven to 450ºF (240ºC).
Using a very sharp knife held at about a 45° angle, make three 8" vertical slashes in each baguette. Spritz the baguettes heavily with warm water; this will help them develop a crackly-crisp crust.

Bake the baguettes until they're a very deep golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes. Remove them from the oven and cool on a rack. Or, for the very crispiest baguettes, turn off the oven, crack it open about 2", and allow the baguettes to cool in the oven.

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